Wellness Shots (Fire Cider)

Boost your immunity, and respiratory and support digestion with this natural remedy. Easy to make and that can be stored for up to a year.

Prep Time: 20 mins     |    Set Time: 3-6 weeks                    

Total Servings: 20 servings or more (1-2 tbsp is one serving)


½ cup horseradish, peeled and diced (~4-5”)

½ cup garlic, peeled and diced (2 bulbs)

½ onion, peeled and diced, (~1 small)

¼ garlic, peeled and diced (~2-3”)

¼ turmeric, peeled and diced (~2-3”)

1 habanero chile, split in half or thinly sliced (for a milder flavor, use 2 jalapeños)

1 orange, quartered and thinly sliced crosswise

1 lemon, use the zest and juice

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

½ cup parsley, chopped (fresh)

2 tbsp rosemary, chopped (fresh)

2 tbsp thyme, chopped (fresh)

1 tsp black peppercorns

2-3 cups raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar

¼ cup raw honey, to taste (this is added after the Fire Cider has sat for 3-6 weeks)


  1. Place all herbs, vegetables, and fruit into a clear 1-quarter jar. Pack down as needed to fit all ingredients in the jar. Add vinegar, and cover all ingredients. Make sure there are no air bubbles. If using a metal lid, place a piece of parchment paper between the liquid and the lid to prevent corrosion. Shake well.

  2. Let the jar sit in a cool, dark place for 3-6 weeks, shaking it daily (or as often as you remember).

  3. Using a cheesecloth or strainer, strain the vinegar into a clear glass jar.

  4. Add the honey, stirring well. Adjust to your taste.

  5. Store in the refrigerator for up to a year.

  6. Drink 1-2 tbsp daily, or place 2 tbsp into a small 2oz bottle and add water to slightly dilute it. Drink daily as needed.


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